Friday, October 10, 2008

The "Truth Box"- The Trendy Way to Bully & Harass

The Trendy Way to Bully
"I can't believe someone thinks that I'm hooking up with her boyfriend!" Crying and sputtering out her words, my client frantically said over the phone. "Why are people so mean?"
After doing my best to comfort and calm her down, we decided to meet in person and talk about what had happened.
In short, this young woman had placed a new application on her MySpace profile called the "Truth Box" which allows others to anonymously post comments. There is a similar add-on called the "Honesty Box" for FaceBook, with dozens of other "Truth" type applications available for various social networking sites.
My client had placed the application on her profile to get feedback and "just for fun," as she put it. Although she received many great comments and compliments, she (as I expected) focused on two negative comments that were hurtful.
If you aren't prepared for the answers, don't ask the question.
In wanting the positive comments and feedback from her friends she was looking for approval and she did indeed get some, but she was unprepared for the negative consequences.
After some discussion, she decided to remove the "Truth Box" from her profile and we spoke about her "need" (I used "strong desire") to know what others really thought about her. Although she said her main concern was to improve herself and feel better, she admitted that she was still hung up on finding out who had posted the mean comments. Even weeks later she was still trying to figure out who had said what and was asking friends to ask their friends.
The Hack or Track Test
I posted a similar application on my profile for two days as a test. With one of the programs, I was able to see the profiles of those who made comments. Here is what I used:
1. Go to the truth you want to reveal
2. Click "Block" (either 1 week or forever, it doesn't matter)
3. Go to Account Settings from your home page
4. Go to "Privacy"
5. Look for "Block Users"
6. Click "[View List]"
7. the person you blocked is in that list!
This only worked for one of the "Truth" applications (out of four) that I used, but my point was to let others know that these applications can be hacked or tracked.

Multitasking May Slow Us Down

This is an article on multitasking that I heard about on the radio recently.

Multitasking Teens May Be Muddling Their Brains
Jon Hamilton

Morning Edition, October 9, 2008 ·

Doing several things at once can feel so productive. But scientists say switching rapidly between tasks can actually slow us down.

Even though modern technology allows people to perform more tasks at the same time, juggling tasks can make our brains lose connections to important information. Which means, in the end, it takes longer because we have to remind our brains what we were working on.

Zach Weinberg, a junior at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School, sits in front of his computer in his family home in suburban Maryland.

Within the span of seconds, Zach switches between e-mail, iTunes, Facebook, a computer word puzzle game and messaging his buddy online. Somewhere amid the flurry, Zach manages to squeeze in some homework, too.

While he is working on an algebra calculation, an instant message from his buddy Alex Donesky pops up on the screen. They chat about a French assignment for a few minutes, exchanging quips about Robespierre and Napoleon. Then Zach shifts his attention back to math, but not before changing to his favorite band on iTunes.

For the record, Alex and Zach are good students. And obviously they're good multitaskers, too.
Alex's mom, Barbara Donesky, says she's dazzled by the skill her son has developed, and how quickly he can click around on the computer and make things happen.
But she's afraid Alex is losing out on other skills.

"I want him to be able to concentrate. I want him to be able to focus," she says.
"I mean, it's my personal belief that all these things just fragment your ability to concentrate. And I see it in myself, you know, since I've started e-mailing and using the computer very regularly."

Multitasking: 'A Brownout In The Brain'
Scientists say she has reason to be worried — although there's not much data yet on teens.
David Meyer at the University of Michigan has spent the past few decades studying multitasking — mostly in adults. "For tasks that are at all complicated, no matter how good you have become at multitasking, you're still going to suffer hits against your performance. You will be worse compared to if you were actually concentrating from start to finish on the task," Meyer says.
Multitasking causes a kind of brownout in the brain. Meyer says all the lights go dim because there just isn't enough power to go around.

So, the brain starts shutting things down — things like neural connections to important information. When Alex clicks on a message, his brain starts losing the connections it was using for his French assignment. The pathway to Robespierre — fading fast. The path to Napoleon, not so clear anymore.
To restore those connections, Meyer says, Alex will have to repeat much of the thought process that created them in the first place.
The technical name for creating, or recreating, these neural pathways is "spreading activation." It involves building connections step by step. Meyer says it's similar to what we do when we free associate.

"I say to you, 'What do you think of when I say the word apple to you?' And you start vibing on apple. 'Oh, apple's a fruit, it fell on Newton's head. Newton was a physicist. He invented the first theory of gravity.' And on and on," Meyer says.

When we're interrupted, re-establishing those connections can take seconds or hours.
"It goes on subconsciously and eventually, if I'm lucky, I get back up to speed with what I was thinking about before," Meyer says.

Good In Small Doses
Zach concedes that multitasking might make him less efficient. But his friend Alex maintains that, in small doses, multitasking can help him stay alert — like when he listens to music and does a math problem at the same time.

"If I have only one thing, I drift off a little bit," Alex says. "But if there's something else going on in the background that I can just sort of block out, I feel like I can concentrate on something more — whereas if I'm only doing one thing, it's harder for me to concentrate."
Scientists say Zach has a point. Studies show it's pretty easy for us to keep music in the background when we focus on something else.

But when something in the background forces itself into your consciousness, you do get distracted. Such as when your computer announces: "You've got mail."
"Everybody does get distracted by it. But most people learn to get used to that distraction and when to say 'no, I've got to work, and I'm not going to give into this,' " Zach says.
Fighting Distractions

Saying no to distractions depends, in part, on being able to control your impulses — something that's not fully developed in a teenager's brain. And Alex says it's not easy for him. He says it's hard to give your full attention to any one thing when you're used to monitoring a screen full of options.

"You're teaching yourself to give 10 percent to each little icon. And then click away when there's a moment's pause," Alex says. In fact, Meyer says, our brains can get hooked to where "they literally need a fix of multitasking."

Addicted To Juggling Tasks?
There's not much research on the addictive nature of multitasking. But Meyer likens it to playing video games or skydiving: We all get a buzz from novelty and variety. Of course, when the stakes get higher, multitasking can stress you out.
"The brain areas that you would see light up and the biochemicals, the neurotransmitters that would be getting released would be quite different if I was an air traffic controller trying to land a whole bunch of planes at La Guardia Airport or wherever. I wouldn't be having pleasure then," Meyers says.
For teenagers like Zach and Alex, the experience of multitasking falls somewhere between the rush of skydiving and the anxiety of landing planes. Regardless, Alex says, it's all they know.
"Even for me right now — and I haven't been exposed to it that long — it's already natural to multitask in these ways," he says. "Like your will is, your heart is in that place where you are just wanting to multitask, and you're conditioned to it. That's how you're going to keep going."
Even, he says, when you don't want to.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Paying to Update Online Profiles?

In the whirlwind of work that seems to be surrounding so many people these days, I have found myself trying to catch up and desperately in need of an assistant. As most of my needs involve work on a computer, I decided to look into hiring a virtual assistant.
After speaking with several, I found one who seemed promising, and I was fascinated when I found that her list of services included updating online profiles on MySpace, FaceBook, LinkedIn and any other online social networking sites.
Why would someone need another person to update their profiles? I asked her, and she said that people were to busy to keep up with several profiles and also that she would add elements to a profile that would make it look better for employers, for college admissions, and even to make someone look better to friends and co-workers. I really thought that was something else, but after thinking about it for a while, it made more sense to me.

My theory is that when someone goes online to update their networking site profile, it is very easy to get distracted, check another email, look at the cool apps and add-ons that are available, and pretty soon the task of adding new photos and updating a profile takes hours instead of minutes.

When you or I go online to check out our friends' profiles or to update our own, we likely spend more time finishing the task. There are so many things to do, interesting games and applications, and pictures and videos to watch that we can get caught up in the distractions and really waste a lot of time (more on internet time-wasting later). On the other hand, when someone we hire goes online to complete a task, it is not for entertainment. Finishing the task requires paying attention to the amount of time spent given that a client is paying usually by the task or the hour.
Someone paying to update my profile would be less likely to waste time than I would, simply because he or she is working on MY profile and would be less likely to have to check out all the updates and comments of my friends, to look at a video or two, and to find out the latest hit single that is on the charts. I shared this with the assistant I was interviewing, and she was delighted and said that she would try it with her own online profiles compared with updating profiles for others.
This makes sense to me, but I would love to hear from others about my ideas. Please feel free to leave any comments or to email me at